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This composition is a stand-alone, interactive computer instrument as well as a score for string quartet or ensemble made up of any number of any kind of instrument or voice. It is part of a larger body of work revolving around my research of the music, language, and culture of the ancient Samnites of Italy.
Further information can be found here and here.
2. Chromatophonic Triptych (excerpts)
This composition is for woodwind quintet and live audio/visual processing, and was part of my Master's Thesis. In short, the piece uses a physics formula I wrote to translate light waves into sound waves for the purpose of composing music with the emission spectra of certain chemical elements. The same formula is then used in a MAX/MSP/JITTER application of my own design to translate those sound waves back into light waves to create real-time sound paintings alongside the live score. It was premiered by The City of Tomorrow on August 4, 2021 at Vermont College of Fine Arts. The video is taken from the live stream, the audio was professionally recorded, and I have done all the mixing and mastering.
Further information and the complete recording can be found here.
3. One of Eighty-Nine [Prologue] (excerpt)
This composition for violoncello, fixed media, and live electronics was premiered live using JackTrip software to stream audio with very low latency (around 10ms) on January 14, 2021. It depicts part (hence the titular [Prologue]) of the biography of a South Sudanese woman as she fled war in her home country and made her way to the United States. The audio was recorded with JackTrip while the video was taken from the live stream over Skype. I was performing in real time from Rhode Island while the 'cellist Nancy Jo Snider was live in Washington, DC.
Further information and the complete recording can be found here.
4. Tender Cargo (excerpt)
Tender Cargo explores how bodies hold and carry trauma across time and geography, drawing on artist Taleen Batalian’s legacy as the granddaughter of four grandparents from Western Armenia, and their experiences as survivors of the genocide there. As part of the team bringing this installation and performance together, I used a modular synthesizer and MAX/MSP application of my own design to create the sound score utilizing a processed voice (taken from an interview Taleen recorded with her late father) and live duduk. I have mixed the quadrophonic audio down to stereo for the video.
Further information can be found here.
~~~~~Other Work~~~~~
5. 𐌞𐌉𐍄 : 𐌔𐌉𐍀
PIS : TIÚ (Who Are You?) (demo recording)
This composition is based on Oscan words carved into a small stone. It is essentially a text setting for voice and harmonium. It is part of a larger body of work revolving around my research of the music, language, and culture of the ancient Samnites of Italy. I recorded and mixed this demo in my home studio in November, 2023. I sang and played both the vocal and harmonium parts.
𐌞𐌉𐍄 : 𐌔𐌉𐍀 (PIS : TIÚ)_demo recordingAntonio Forte
00:00 / 03:31
6. AMICA & DETFRI (demo recording)
This is a composition inspired by a clay roof tile from Pietrabbondante, an important site of theatre and worship dating back to the 2nd or 3rd century BCE, built by the ancient Samnites. The clay tile, made around 100 BCE, is inscribed in Latin by a woman named AMICA and in Oscan by a woman named DEFRI. Both also stood on the tile, leaving behind their sandal prints. The piece is in the Jazz idiom, hence the lead sheet nature of its score. It is the first piece of music I composed about the ancient Samnites, and tells a story that unfolds with new possibilities and mysteries every time I play it (which is every day) or look at a photograph of the actual tile. It is intended to be played by either a trio (piano, bass, drums) or quartet. It is part of a larger body of work revolving around my research of the music, language, and culture of the ancient Samnites of Italy. The demo recording is of me playing through the "head" of the tune. Recorded in my home studio in October, 2023.
Additionally I have composed a text setting of the Oscan words written by DETFRI, for modular synthesizer and voice. It is yet to be recorded. The title is:
𐌓𐌞𐌉𐌍𐌞𐍄𐌍𐌀 𑇐 𐌓Ǝ𐍄𐍄𐌀𐌊𐌝𐌓𐌀𐌓 𑇐 𐌝𐌞𐌠𐌃𐌚𐍄Ǝ𐌓
Detfriúí 𑇐 Dadíkatted 𑇐 Antúniúd
(Oscan: “Dedicated to Detfri by/from Antonio”)
More information about this can be found on my blog here, and a photo of the tile and further information on its provenance can be found here.
AMICA & 𐌠𐌃𐌚𐍄Ǝ𐌓_excerptAntonio Forte
00:00 / 01:37
7. An apologia on electronic music, Bandcamp as archive, and my birthday, from my blog.

Album artwork from my recent elettrofonico_ep, archived on my Bandcamp page.
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